$600M New Fund Was about to Launch, Mixed Elements Digital Economy Kingdom Will Become Reality Soon


In 2021, although unrest continues to increase in cryptocurrency market, Mixed Elements, an emerging blockchain technology investment company based in Singapore, is raising its funding. Within recent months, it has completed funding for several rounds. To realize its ambitious goal of making “building digital economy infrastructure” brand go global, Mixed Elements is actively storing funds.

At press time, Mixed Elements has had a rapid financing momentum in 2021, raising a total of $470 million, becoming an emerging blockchain technology investment company favored by capitals such as R3, IBM, and JPMorgan Chase. According to internal information from the senior executives of Mixed Elements, the new fund raising plan will be announced around October, with an estimated fund scale of around $600 million.

So, why can Mixed Element attract such large-scale funding? Why is it developing so rapidly in the blockchain sector?

Mixed Elements Is Committed to Promote Blockchain Technology Development

Founded in 2020 in Singapore, Mixed Elements is a technology investment company dedicated to the development of blockchain technology. Compared with most of the world's native encryption investment institutions, Mixed Elements' investment is more precise. It is committed to investment in the development of blockchain technology.

For founder team of Mixed Elements, blockchain has the potential to change the world. The blockchain represents a new way of technical operation and the structural change of the world's operation, which enables many untrusted participants in the network to establish consistency and cultivate the ability to trust others. It is the core significance of blockchain technology.

It is precisely looking forward to the potential of blockchain technology. After its establishment in 2020, in phase one, $120 million blockchain technology development fund was established. Then it has successively participated in the blockchain projects of well-known companies such as Facebook, Twitter, DCG, and FIL. The investment and technology development of the company, and cooperation with world-renowned companies, have enabled Mixed Elements to quickly emerge in the development of blockchain technology.

With the acceleration of investment and the development of blockchain technology, Mixed Elements has become more and more aware of blockchain’s importance as the technical force of the digital infrastructure that will change the world in the future. Therefore, it has established the development strategy of "new infrastructure for digital economy". Under the guidance, four major blockchain investment development concepts have been clarified:

The first is "wide scale" project investment. DiDimessage focuses on blockchain technology development and application scenarios, cryptocurrency, life and entertainment experience and other projects in all fields, and works hard for the ultimate realization of the future development of the "new infrastructure of digital economy";

The second is "full cycle" investment. Even if the market is in a "cold winter", as long as it has potential, it will still actively invest;

The third is "full-process" entrepreneurial support. A top team of more than 300 people will provide blockchain entrepreneurial support in terms of capital, technology, marketing, etc.;

The fourth is the "globalization" layout. Focusing on the construction of a globalized digital economy, in addition to the Singapore headquarters, currently DiDimessage offices are set up in India, Japan, South Korea, China, and Hong Kong to carry out globalization and localization work.

These investment concepts ensure that the investment philosophy of Mixed Elements and the brand strategy layout of insisting on the "new infrastructure of digital economy" can be steadily realized. Combined with the characteristics of the blockchain industry and projects, Mixed Elements explores high-quality projects to the greatest extent, and uses its own rich resources to help projects grow.

Focus on DiDimessage Digital Economy Service Platform

Under the development of the global strategic goal of "New Infrastructure for Digital Economy", in 2020, Mixed Elements will invest $30 million in the DiDimessage project.

As a one-stop service platform for the whole process of digital economy, DiDimessage focuses on the strategic layout of digital economy infrastructure construction and diversified life application scenarios with blockchain technology as the core. With the strategy of "blockchain + digital economy + life application", DiDimessage builds wallets and exchanges with the collaboration of world-renowned digital asset management bank ICCBANK and the global digital asset derivatives exchange icncde and creates a digital economic ecology derived from digital currency, payment, financial management, and custody; for the needs of users entertainment and life, DiDimessage will build an entertainment content ecology centered on information, games, live broadcasts, and communities; depending on the advantages of blockchain technology, it will create a social ecology based on the protection of privacy and security; DiDimessage is commit to the layout of global digital infrastructure and let technological innovation drive the real blockchain Value transfer to realize the digital economy and change a new way of life.

Currently, DiDi have users from 10 major global language regions, including English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Korean, Russian, Chinese, and more than 150 countries and regions. It is expected that in 2021, the number of new users will exceed 1 million. It is rated as one of the world's most promising blockchain application tool platforms by the industry.

It is the steady global strategy of Mixed Elements and the continuous maturity of investment projects that make Mixed Elements a "supernova" in the blockchain world. At present, not only Fidelity Investments, Morgan Stanley, Blackstone, Bain Capital, KKR, Oaktree Capital and many other leading investment institutions have been in in-depth discussions with Mixed Elements, intending to become a partner of Mixed Elements in the development of blockchain technology , digital currency transactions, and lifestyle scene applications.

In the near future, the combination of Mixed Elements and the world's top capitals will definitely accelerate the advent of the digital economy era and make greater contributions to the lifestyle changes in the world.

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