Metaverse War Begins! Top Tech Companies All Keep One Step Ahead Others!


Metaverse is definitely a hot area for Internet 3.0. Tech giants are competing in metaverse field, for example, Facebook, as a social networking magnate, has changed the “Face” as “Meta”, and Tencent, Google, Bytedance and Microsoft are all taking actions. So why is metaverse so attractive to these big companies and capitals? Why can it go viral on the Internet?

Let’s give a simple explanation of metaverse. First of all, for the perspective of sense, metaverse can be defined as a virtual world. It’s like a dream when we are sleeping. Although we know it’s a dream, the dream is so real. Metaverse is like a dream which is real and can be created.

For the perspective of experience, metaverse places an emphasis on reality and the access to experience, as well as privacy and security. Therefore, metaverse can be bigger than what we think. That’s why people call it as the next generation of Internet.



However, the dream of the metaverse is not a humankind’s game, but the digital habitat of mankind in the world. Faced with the digital migration of the future of mankind, the world's top technology companies have begun their own metaverse strategic layout.

Facebook Metaverse: Explore around social networking and AR/VR

According to Facebook's metaverse strategic plan, it will transform into a metaverse company within five years. In the future, Facebook will focus on 3 billion users around the world, based on social networking, enhance content, communities, and experiences to create the next generation of Internet super platforms, while investing heavily in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to create a new digital world where multiple people can "live" at the same time.

Microsoft Metaverse: Improve the future experience based on hardware

Microsoft plans to develop the metaverse through two new initiatives. The first initiative, called Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces, provides a new perspective on how customers move and interact in retail stores, factories, and how to optimize health and safety management in a mixed work environment.

The second initiative, called "Mesh for Microsoft Teams," will add a hybrid reality feature called Mesh to Microsoft's existing Team feature, which allows people in different places to collaborate, hold meetings, send messages, process shared documents, and more, and share holographic experiences through productivity tool- Teams.

Tencent Metaverse: Opens the metaverse layout from games

The game is an important embodiment of the metaverse. Known as the "first stock of the Metaverse", Roblesoon landed in China and was released by Tencent's re-branded Robles, which topped the free game list in the Apple App Store on the day it went live. But Tencent won't stop in games. It will compete with Bytedance in the acquisitions in VR video and hardware, and start the layout of the social metaverse.

Among the many metaverse layouts, many experts believe that the digital economy is an essential and important part of the metaverse, and is the most active and revolutionary part. The digital economy will be the infrastructure for the prosperity of the metaverse.

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DiDimessage: Connector in metaverse

Among the many tracks of the metaverse, DiDi message has established the product positioning of "becoming a metaverse connector" with its own products combined with the concept of metaverse. In the layout of the digital economy, the digital economy ecology of the future is derived from the digital assets of the current blockchain, and the authentication, socialization, work, entertainment, games of the metaverse world will inevitably promote the exchange, transaction and consumption of digital assets, while the digital life section of DiDi message can also realize the link with the metaverse world in the future.

By virtue of the new positioning of the metaverse, DiDimessage's global user base is growing rapidly and now covering 150 countries and regions.

Although the definition and scene of the current metaverse are still rather vague, they are shaped in a variety of ways, with social networking, gaming, entertainment and other tracks linked to the metaverse. In the future, we will also see more digital-based software and applications such as Facebook, Microsoft, Tencent and DiDimessage. They will build the future of the metaverse from the infrastructure, social networking, gaming, assets, identity authentication, virtual hardware, and more.

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