Embracing its second anniversary, Contact Hainan sets sail with the positive wind


Warm Spring spreads its favor and kindness; all the things reflect luminousness.


The CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Overall- Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port on June 1, 2020, aiming to develop Hainan Island a globally-influential high-level free trade port by liberalizing and facilitating Hainan’s trade, investment and cross-border flow of funds, etc.


Hainan is endowed with a new mission and will embrace greater opportunities and challenges.

Contact Hainan ushers in its second anniversary on June 10. As an important platform for attracting investment and talents for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, Contact Hainan, born and thrived attributed to the opening-up, has taken on the important task of assisting Hainan in deepening reform and expanding opening-up since its birth.


By speeding up self-construction and improving its website function, establishing One-Stop Service for Investment to invigorate the market, assisting in investment promotion to attract world-famous enterprises to settle in Hainan, and pooling talents for the construction of a free trade port, Contact Hainan firmly adheres to the direction of Hainan’s reform and moves forward, injecting vigorous vitality into the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.


Brave at the forefront with clear direction, and gaining rising influence at home and abroad


Contact Hainan has been improving its self-function and expanding its weight over the past two years, gradually becoming an important bridge for domestic and foreign investors to invest in Hainan.


As of June 4, 2020, Contact Hainan has attracted 4,223,658 visits on its PC terminal and a mobile terminal (single IP visits, the same below) since its launch on June 10, 2018, including 650,289 overseas visits from 143 countries, with the top five being the United States, Germany, South Korea, Russia and Brazil.

In addition to valuing promotion at home, Contact Hainan strengthens its overseas promotion efforts by registering accounts on overseas social media like Facebook and Twitter, in order to enlarge its coverage. At present, 1,022 enterprises and public institutions have registered in Contact Hainan and posted 2,223 jobs; 21,815 registered individual users have submitted 28,054 resumes; and the WeChat official account has gained 70,247 followers.


To forge iron, one must be strong. In order to create an international investment promotion platform, Contact Hainan has launched a multi-language version. At present, it has achieved a one-click switching function in nine international official languages: Chinese (simplified and traditional), English, French, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, Japanese, Korean and German, which has also drawn the attention of investors and talents with eyes on Hainan abroad.


Accelerating the construction of One-Stop Service for Investment with the new pattern and the new path


Led by the Department of Commerce of Hainan Province and the Big Data Management Department in conjunction with the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and the People’s Government Affairs Service Center, One-Stop Service for Investment in Hainan is set up (hereinafter referred to as One-Stop Service for Investment) on the basis of the platform of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Port with Chinese Characteristics (hereinafter referred to as Contact Hainan), to provide investors with one-stop full process and top-quality services, comprehensively improve the level of investment facilitation, optimize Hainan’s business environment, and boost Hainan’s high-quality development with a high level of opening-up.


One-Stop Service for Investment has now allowed users, by registering an account, to handle online the whole-process business of domestic and foreign-funded enterprises (including registration, change, de-registration), foreign investment information report, foreign exchange registration, bank reservation for account opening, enterprise seal engraving, invoice application, project approval or filing, construction project application, social insurance registration inquiry, vehicle purchase quota application, real estate inquiry, house purchase online signing record and inquiry, provident fund management, etc. Through system integration and optimization, One-Stop Service for Investment has realized a reduction of materials, time, links and visits in the whole investment process.


Since its launch, 413 foreign-funded enterprises, such as Roc Oil (Hainan) Co., Ltd., Wanlian Standard Hainan Science and Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhongxin Hangai Biotech (Hainan) Co., Ltd., have handled investment-related business through One-Stop Service for Investment, with a total handling volume of 658.

Pooling resources by investment promotion to help Hainan become the home to global 500


uring the epidemic this year, Contact Hainan innovated the ways and means of investment promotion and held a number of online investment promotion conferences.


Up to now, Contact Hainan has held 26 online investment promotion conferences, covering cities and counties such as Haikou, Sanya, Lingshui and Dongfang, key parks such as Haikou Fuxing Town Internet Information Industry Park, Sanya Central Business District, Wenchang International Space City, Yangpu Economic Development Zone, Haikou Integrated Free Trade Zone, and Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone, as well as key industries in Hainan like tourism, agriculture, industrial and information industry, and education industry. Contact Hainan now has attracted over one million visits, drawing the attention of many enterprises in the fields of trade, investment, medicine, health care, tourism, agriculture, logistics, etc.


In each relevant promotion conference topic, users can browse the official investment promotion information of the corresponding industry, such as investment promotion videos, industry profiles, key projects, preferential policies, as well as the latest investment trends of the industry. In the meantime, users can make a reservation for an online video negotiation room to have a screen-to-screen negotiation with the organizer.


The online investment promotion conference of Contact Hainan has shown an obvious publicity effect. So far, the online investment promotion conference has gained nearly one million views. Among them, Contact Hainan’s live broadcast of Qionghai Online Industrial Investment Promotion Conference of 2020 on February 28 attracted more than 840,000 people to watch online, further enhancing the influence and popularity of Contact Hainan at home and abroad, and pooling a large number of landmark projects and high-quality headquarters enterprises to settle in Hainan.


Contact Hainan has also left marks on Xiamen CIFIT platform, China ASEAN Expo, the annual conference of the Chamber of Commerce of nine provinces including Shanghai, Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangdong and Hebei, the 8th World Chaoshan Entrepreneurs Convention, the 2018 Winter Trade Fair Brand Promotion Conference, the Global Fintech Innovation Summit of 2019, and the 2019 Park Investment Cooperation Conference.


Improving investment conditions to gather enterprises and talents


Undertakings thrive on talents, and talents gather for undertakings. In 2018, Hainan adopted the One Million Talents Recruitment Action Plan (2018-2025), and set up a provincial one-stop platform for talents to bring in all kinds of talents urgently needed in Hainan with a more dynamic talent system and mechanism.


Contact Hainan actively plays the role of bridge and fully integrates the online and offline event to provide strong support for attracting, gathering and educating talents for the construction of a free trade port in Hainan.


In 2018, Contact Hainan held a recruitment fair themed “Gathering Talents” in Zhongguancun, Beijing. 11,261 resumes were received and more than 6,000 candidates were present on the spot, which marks the first action of attracting talents of Hainan. The following three “talent recruitment” special job fairs attracted resumes from 33 doctors, 1,442 masters, 513 returnees, and 2,590 undergraduates to Hainan enterprises.


In 2019, in view of the shortage of high-end talents, which is still a prominent problem facing Hainan in building a pilot free trade zone and free trade port with Chinese characteristics, Hainan Province launched open recruitment of high-end management talents at home and abroad for the first time on the platform Contact Hainan in March. This recruitment followed no set form, and attached equal importance to recruiting talented people and seeking and training local talents, which not only recruited talents at home and abroad, but also encouraged local talents to participate actively. In order to serve enterprises investing in Hainan and attract talents at home and abroad to settle in Hainan, Contact Hainan held the first online job fair for industrial projects in Hainan in 2019. Various enterprises published their jobs on Contact Hainan, meanwhile, various talents also registered and released their job intention. The second online job fair for industrial projects in Hainan in 2019 was held from May 20 to June 20. Enterprises were kept updating and talents were increasingly rising. The third, fourth and etc. sessions of fair followed. Under the theme of “Open Hainan for A Shared Future” in June, Contact Hainan set up a precise bridging platform between employers and master and doctoral talents, and attracted more these talents at home and abroad to work in Hainan by holding a series of matchmaking meetings for high-level talents.


In 2020, in order to speed up the gathering of talents needed for the construction of a free trade port in Hainan, Contact Hainan held the “Set Sail for Your Career in Hainan! Global Talent Recruitment 2020: First Batch of 30,000 Vacancies in Hainan”. Different from previous recruitment, this recruitment is based on “cloud recruitment”, which covers a wide range of jobs, involves many employers, and offers numerous positions, making it unprecedented in the history of Hainan. As of June 2, 2020, the recruitment page has attracted 1.77 million views (single IP), with a total of 1,766 employers participating, 47,138 jobs offered and 122,380 resumes received, including 801 resumes of foreign talents and 7,621 resumes of foreign students for overseas talent posts.


Helping Hainan build a new highland in the free trade port era at the new starting point


Great hopes urge all to forge ahead.


Contact Hainan is stepping up to a higher level following the pace of the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port with greater strides.

Next, by strengthening brand building, improving function development, perfecting management mechanism and introducing professional service organizations, Contact Hainan will build be built into an online investment promotion platform with an international advanced level and an online talent recruitment platform that pools global talents.

Looking to the future, Contact Hainan will write a new chapter for boosting Hainan to form a new pattern of a higher-level open economy to help Hainan to build a new highland for reform and opening-up in a new era of free trade.


Hainan is arousing all strength to fly higher with a new starting point.

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